When we caught wind that WNY Book Arts Center had created set of bar towels featuring our favorite beer styles, we couldn’t wait to get our hands on them. We support all things Buffalo and when art awareness hits the mix, it’s a sure winner.

WNY Book Arts Collaborative exists to promote, encourage and develop printing & book related arts through education and access for individual artists and underserved communities. Printmaking, papermaking, illustration, design, writing and binding can all be explored through workshops and lectures. In this digital age, it’s nice to know that organizations facilitating print still exist and thrive.

In an effort to support WNY Book Arts Center and to offer our customers, we’re now selling these rad, handprinted beer styles bar towels in a set of four. Each lint-free glassware towel has either Pilsner, IPA, Lager or Stout printed on it and every one will perfectly dry glass in your home or commercial bar, while adding some character to boot.