Autumn Tour of Homes Lafayette Avenue
Saturday 22nd Sep, 2018

Join Explore Buffalo on the first Saturday of autumn to tour home interiors on one of Buffalo's most beautiful streets: Lafayette Avenue. In the heart of the Elmwood Village, Lafayette Avenue is lined with spectacular homes in a variety of architectural styles, mostly from the late nineteenth century. A variety of these wonderful homes will be open for tour patrons to tour from 12 to 4 PM on Saturday, September 22. At 12 PM, a lecture on neighborhood history and architectural style will be presented by Chuck LaChiusa, Explore Buffalo Master Docent and creator of the website The lecture will take place inside Lafayette Presbyterian Church, which will also be the ticket pickup location. The interior of Lafayette Presbyterian Church will be open for the entire tour - even the basement log cabin that is home to Boy Scout Troop 2, the second-oldest Boy Scout troop in America!
Event Details: Advance reservations are strongly encouraged but not required | Interior photography is not permitted in the homes on this tour. | This tour is rain or shine, so dress for the weather. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended. | All of the homes are within moderate walking distance of one another on Lafayette Avenue. Driving from house to house is not recommended. |
Ticket Pickup: Your ticket will list all of the open homes, and include a map to guide you to each one. Pick up your ticket beginning at 11:30 AM on September 22 at Lafayette Presbyterian Church at 875 Elmwood Avenue (corner of Lafayette Avenue). Note that the homes will not open until 12 PM.
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