Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus Auditions
Wednesday 1st Jul, 2015 → Monday 24th Aug, 2015

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Wednesday, Jul 1st
Sunday, Aug 23rd
Monday, Aug 24th
The Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus is holding auditions for all voice parts! As the principal guest chorus of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, the BPC is committed to choral music excellence and enhancing cultural life in Western New York. The BPC rehearses regularly Monday evenings from 7:30-10:00 pm at Daemen College in Amherst.
Auditions will be held July 1, August 23, and August 24 at Knox Presbyterian Church, 2595 Elmwood Ave in Kenmore. For more information or to schedule an audition appointment, contact BPC Chorus Manager Ryan Kaminski chorusmanager@bpchorus.org or 716-980-5701 and check out http://bpcauditions.weebly.com
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