Buffalo Zine Fair
Saturday 8th Sep, 2018

The BUFFALO ZINE FAIR celebrates self-publishing and hand-made D.I.Y culture. PRINTED MEDIA IS NOT DEAD. Let us rebel against library closings, newspaper downsizings, and e-readers by celebrating good old-fashioned physical handmade print media! Co-presented by Sugar City and Gutter Pop Comics.
Seeking vendors: Calling all writers, illustrators, comix creators, photographers, printmakers looking to sell, trade and share your work. In order to table, 75% of your tabling material must be printed materials. The cost for a half table is $5 and for a full table is $10. Full tables are approx 6' long. Half tables are approx 3' long. There are a variety of tables so some variation will happen. Zine makers ages 18 and under are welcome to table at Sugar City's counter free of charge on a first-come first-served basis. Interested? Fill out this form: https://tinyurl.com/buffalozinefairfall18
Submissions/vendir applications are due by August 5th at Midnight. Apply here: https://tinyurl.com/buffalozinefairfall18
What is a zine?
“A zine (pronounced “zeen,” like “magazine”) is a self-published, small circulation, non-commercial booklet or magazine, usually produced by one person or a few individuals. Zines come in all shapes, sizes, topics, and formats. Most zines are photocopied, but they can
also be printed offset, like a magazine or newspaper. Zines range from handwritten and sloppy to cut-and-paste (text pasted on top of background images) to artsy with handmade touches to produced on a computer with a professional looking layout. Zines may incorporate screenprinting, linoleum cuts, and hand-stitched bindings. Most zines have print runs of a couple dozen to a few hundred copies.
In a zine, you might find typos, improper grammar, and brilliant or radical or just plain honest ideas that you don’t normally see in Time, Newsweek, or People. A zine can be about whatever subject its creator decides upon, or it may contain a variety of subjects and writing styles within the same issue. Zines can include personal essays, political discussions, fiction, craft or do-it-yourself advice, articles about music or movies, comics, poetry, reviews – anything under the sun, really. Zines are personal and idiosyncratic. The best thing about zines is this: There are no rules. “ -Description from Grand Rapids Zine Fest https://grzinefest.wordpress.com/
About Sugar City:
Located at 1239 Niagara St Buffalo, NY, Sugar City is the area’s only legal, DIY, volunteer-run, all-ages performance venue. Accordingly, all events at Sugar City are drug and alcohol-free and end before 11pm. Our goal is to provide an alternative space to share and create art and community projects based on participatory culture and a do-it-together attitude. Events and initiatives include, but are not limited to music, films, poetry readings, a zine library, meeting space, art gallery, workshops, and more. We want to break down the barriers of what is and isn’t “art” because in some way everyone is an artist. More information: www.buffalosugarcity.org
About Gutter Pop Comics:
Recently opened over the summer, Gutter Pop Comics is focused on showcasing the wide breadth of the comics medium: everything from classic cartooning, to underground zine culture, to the most celebrated comics in popular culture. Gutter Pop aims to help support the burgeoning comics and self-publishing scene in Buffalo through event organizing and publishing assistance. Currently at 1028 Elmwood Ave, hours are 11am - 7pm, Wednesday - Sunday. www.gutterpopcomics.com