Diane English: Giants of Buffalo - Television & Film
Friday 20th May, 2016

The Buffalo History Museum
One Museum Court Buffalo, NY 14216
Time: 5:30pm Reception l 7:00pm Program
Cost: $10/members l $20/general
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Meet Diane English, multiple award-winning writer and producer, and see a clip of her ground-breaking show: Murphy Brown.  Anthony Chase, Theatre Writer /Faculty and Dean’s Assistant - School of Arts and Humanities at Buffalo State College, will serve as special guest moderator.

The program is themed around the honoree and engages the audience in an informal talk show. Topics include personal stories as experienced by career choices, industry practices, inevitable changes, and the impact on our region. Pop-up exhibits feature related artifacts from the Museum collection or honoree's memorabilia.

5:30 p.m. reception includes a cash bar, complimentary hors d’oeuvres, and live music in the State Court.

7:00 p.m. program begins in the auditorium.

Tickets on sale at the museum or online

The general public may call 716-873-9644 ext. 318 to order tix (or retrieve Member Code); or, contact Alexis Greinert at agreinert@buffalohistory.org.

Cost for Program: $10. Members/ $20. General

Ms. English's alma maters Nardin Academy and Buffalo State College will be part of the event.

Giants honored are selected by a committee comprised of six to seven members: The Buffalo History Museum board members, staff, and collaborating partners.

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