Fiddler's Green Country and Bluegrass Festival
Saturday 28th Jul, 2018

Free Live Music at Fiddler’s Gren Park gazebo, Heritage Park Gazebo and Mercantile General Store. Featuring eleven bands: Creek Bend, City Fiddle, WNY Fiddle Kids, The Panfil Brothers, The Hick Ups, Hintz of Thunder, Sunset Bluegrass, Rear View Ramblers, Blue Mule, Niagara Frontier Fidders and Host band The Mercantile Musicians. Food Trucks, including House of Munch, Jake & the Fatman BBQ, Coldstone Cruiser, Cheesy Chicks and more. Crafters, Face Painting, Live Demonstrations, Colonial Encampment, Civil War Encampment. WNY Clogging Association clogging workshops and learn to clog workshop. Antique Car Cruise-In.
Program is funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; administered by Arts Services initiative of Western New York.
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