Film Screening: Between the Images @ 4th Friday
Friday 27th Oct, 2017

Buffalo Arts Studio
2495 Main Street, Suite 500 Buffalo, NY 14214
Time: 6:00pm
Cost: FREE
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Buffalo Arts Studio presents a film screening of recent work by filmmakers Tara Najd Ahmadi (Tehran, Iran), Liz Rodda (Austin, TX) and Caroline Doherty (Buffalo, NY) to take place on October 27, 2017 at 6:00pm as part of M&T Bank Fourth Fridays at the Tri-Main Center. Between the Images screens work that takes artistic process as a subject, looking to performative repetition and anxiety in order to respond to and expose the limits of the structures being examined. 

Where Ahmadi’s film looks at the habitual and mundane through a lens of geographic dislocation exacerbated by the current political climate, Doherty explores the invisible modes of being that everyday environments impose on us. Finally, Rodda’s reinterpretation of found materials illustrates the forces that often makes us behave in counterintuitive ways.

The screening complements the exhibitions by Kurt Von Voetsch (Stage Four) and Heather Layton and Allen Topolski (Coping Mechanisms) currently on view in the galleries through November 3, 2017. The galleries will be open to view from 5pm to 8pm on October 27. Kurt Von Voetsch’s current work is a cathartic exploration of his deep faith and his eight year battle with brain cancer. His work pieces together gestural drawings and guttural utterances, forming a visual monologue that is both personal and universal. In Coping Mechanisms, Topolski and Layton propose instruments that function as imagined safeguards and safety-nets fashioned for the current social and political climate. 

Born in Tehran, Tara Najd Ahmadi has a MA in Motion Picture Directing and an MFA in Time-Based Media and is currently pursuing her PhD in the Program in Visual and Cultural Studies at the University of Rochester. Tara has exhibited in Tehran, Croatia, New York, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Los Angeles, Tucson, Albuquerque, Norman, Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Kansas City.

Caroline Doherty is an artist and educator based in Buffalo, NY. She employs multiple mediums—including sculpture, performance, video, and public projects—to engage questions of language, communication, violence, and power. She has exhibited and been a resident artist internationally, most recently at Ontario Place in Toronto, the University of Toronto Mississauga, SOMA in Mexico City, ArtPark in Lewiston, NY, Tsinghua University in Beijing, the Chongjiang Contemporary Art Museum in Chongqing, and CEPA Gallery in Buffalo. 

Liz Rodda is an artist and Associate Professor living in Austin, Texas. Her work involves investing found materials, primarily video, with meanings unintended by the original makers. Her process starts with a search for images and objects online and in the physical world. The disparate materials she collects are then paired, manipulated, and reframed to enable new interpretations.

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Buffalo Arts Studio

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