Gotta Have Art Festival
Friday 4th Mar, 2016 → Saturday 5th Mar, 2016

The Gotta Have Art Festival is a juried show that features more than 50 artisans, including Roycrofters, displaying their works for sale: paintings, jewelry, pottery, glass, photography and textile art. On Saturday a delicious lunch will be available at the "Crafty Cafe" and a there will be a free children's creative art project. A raffle of artwork donated by participating artists will also conclude on Saturday.
Sale hours are on Friday from 5:00-9:00pm and Saturday from 10:00am-4:00pm. Friday night admission also includes special refreshments.
$5 Preview admission on Friday night includes refreshments. $2 admission on Saturday. Children 12 and under are free.
All our proceeds from the raffle and the show will be donated to the Family Justice Center.
For information on exhibiting or attending, contact the Art Festival Team at
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