Hounds, Horses and Masters of the Past by Constance Payne
Saturday 15th Sep, 2018

Through years of research and travel, Constance Payne has edited down in this hour presentation, the guiding principles which will enable you to decipher “Is it art, or is it Memorex?” If your desire is to paint the form and character of dogs, horses and the natural world, or if you want to expand your understanding of what attributes separate a true work of art from today’s commercial barrage of animal portraiture, this presentation will offer you a vision beyond the internet, social media, university education or academy pedagogy. It isn’t a yellow brick road filled with...” Lions and tigers and bears, Oh MY..”, but just doing the same work prescribed by the masters of the past.
”If a man sees right, and can draw,..Every artist should draw… although fools say it does not matter today--He needs no photograph”. A J Munnings , “The Artist Life”,1950
*Those attending are invited to walk to Meibohms and view the exhibit with Constance offering personal stories regarding specific works of art in the show.
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