JCC Book and Arts Fair Presents: Author Reyna Gentin
Monday 24th Jun, 2019
Author/Book Event
Author Reyna Gentin, Unreasonable Doubts
Monday, June 24, 2019
Maxine and Robert Seller Theatre, JCC Benderson Family Building
After graduating from Yale College and Yale Law School, Reyna Gentin practiced as a juvenile rights attorney with the Legal Aid Society, and then as a criminal appellate attorney with a nonprofit public defender’s office for nearly eighteen years. That job, and a number of the clients she represented, inspired the story of Unreasonable Doubts. But the novel is more than a legal thriller. Rather, it’s the story of Liana Cohen, a young woman grappling with what it means to salvage her idealism in an often harsh world, and learning how to find friendship, faith, and love in the right places.
Dessert Reception/Book sale and signing to follow
Tickets $10 general/$5 student
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