Log Lines Exhibit Opening Reception
Friday 29th Jan, 2016

Opening reception for Log Lines, an exhibition that showcases artist books and prints from two Midwest artists inspired by the industrial agriculture that dominates the landscape of the Midwest, specifically Iowa. Both artists’ books and accompanying prints investigate human interaction and impact on the environment.
This Opening is free and open to the public.
The Log Lines exhibition by Jill Kambs and Timothy Frerichs will be on view from January 29 through March 4, 2016. will be held on Friday, January 29th from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m at 468 Washington St. in Buffalo. Gallery hours are 12-6pm, Wednesday-Saturday. Admission to the gallery is always free.
Kambs and Frerichs’ show is the first in the 5 x 12 series at WNYBAC, a NYSCA-funded yearlong residency program which features five artists over the course of twelve months.
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