Medicinal Garden Feature -
Saturday 8th Apr, 2017

Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens
2655 South Park Avenue Buffalo, NY 14218
Time: 10;00am - 2:00pm
Cost: Included with admission: $11/adults l $10/seniors l $9/students l FREE/12&U and members
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Activities include: Good things to eat, things you can do each day to improve your general health, botanicals used in traditional medicine and/or are currently used for medicinal purposes, stress relief ideas and foods that come from all over the world. 

Sponsored by: Mercy Hospital of Buffalo, part of Catholic Health and D’Youville School of Pharmacy.

10:00am-2:00pm - World Health Week, Included with Botanical Garden admission: $11 adults, $10 seniors (62+), $9 students (13+ with ID), $6 Kids 3-12, members and kids 2 and under are free!

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