Party on the Portico - featuring The Rockaz
Friday 21st Aug, 2015

The Buffalo History Museum
One Museum Court Buffalo, NY 14216
Time: 5:30-8:30pm
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10th Annual Party on the Portico summer happy hour series continues to PARTY ON to the 80s & 90s music of  The Rockaz!
“Built on folk from all four corners of Buffalo, NY.” The Rockaz is described as a unique blend of soul, reggae, R&B, and funk, served best on the dance floor.
 At each Party on the Portico, guests enjoy live music, party snacks, cash bar (wine/beer $5, water/soft drinks, $1), free 15 minute mini tours of the Museum, drawings, surprises, and spectacular views of Mirror Lake, Delaware Park and the Japanese Garden—all from the portico and steps of the iconic museum. The series runs rain or shine and is exclusively for guests ages 21 and over. 
Tix: $5 member/$10 general
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