Screenprinting I
Tuesday 30th Jun, 2015 → Tuesday 7th Jul, 2015

Screenprinting I Wednesdays, June 30 & July 7 / 6-9pm
In this workshop, students will learn the basics of screen-printing from the do-it-yourself basics to more advanced techniques. This course is designed for beginners who have never printed before. Learn how to prepare screens, how to create designs, how to register multi-colored prints, and how to acquire the equipment to screenprint at home. We will spend the evenings designing and printing one-of-a-kind images from screens made in the class.
$100 ($80 Members) Instructor: Philip Koperski Pre-payment is required for all workshops at WNYBAC. You can pay online, by phone, or by mail. If you would like to send a check, please email to let us know. If you would like to pay over the phone, please call 716-348-1430. All workshops will take place at the WNY Book Arts Center and have no prerequisite knowledge required unless otherwise noted. A cancellation fee of $25 will be assessed if cancelled less than 1 week ahead of the workshop. Cancellations with less than 48 hours will not receive a refund. Sold out classes will accept a waiting list.
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