Shape of a Pocket
Friday 30th Jun, 2017 → Saturday 26th Aug, 2017

Squeaky Wheel
2495 Main St, Ste 310 Buffalo, NY 14214
Time: Tuesday to Saturday 12-5pm
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June 30–August 26
Opening: July 7, 6–9pm
Events: July 29, August 12, August 25

Featuring work by Morgan Arnett, Jason Bernagozzi, Charlie Best and Jaz Palermo, W. Michelle Harris, Kyla Kegler, Dana McKnight, Przemyslaw Moskal, Van Tran Nguyen, Elisa Peebles and the United Melanin Society, Carl Spartz, Kalpana Subramanian, and Tony Yanick.

How can the shape of a work be a site of resistance? How do collaborative practices inform our ideas of activism in art? What does it mean for resistance to happen in an exhibition context?

Squeaky Wheel’s summer group exhibition features a number of artists aiming to take these questions to task, while asking their own. Comprised of installations, performances, single-screen video work, video games, locative sound and media pieces, the exhibition points to strictures and traumas that have roots far preceding our current political moment, while proposing visions, sounds, and networks for a future.

Opening reception includes a screening program, collaborative performance by Elisa Peebles & the United Melanin Society, and VJ dance-party set by W. Michelle Harris.

Squeaky Wheel will also be releasing a video series of artist conversations throughout the exhibition.

Event Program

Saturday, July 29, 3pm
Dislocations: A Sound Walk with Kalpana Subramanian
Artist Kalpana Subramanian will present a artist talk/screening at Squeaky Wheel, followed by a tour with the audience of the Allentown neighborhood where participants can experience her locative sound work Dislocations.

Saturday, August 12, 3pm
Ad Hoc Mobile Network Workshop with Tony Yanick
Artist Tony Yanick will lead a raspberry pi workshop on how participants can build their own local networks, while exploring how other artists and activists have utilized such structures and systems.

Friday, August 25, 7pm
Shape of a Pocket: Screening
The day preceding the closing of Shape of a Pocket will see a repeat of the screening that accompanies the exhibition, featuring work by Morgan Arnett, Jason Bernagozzi, Charlie Best and Jaz Palermo, Kyla Kegler, and Elisa Peebles.

The exhibition and opening reception are free and open to the general public. Squeaky Wheel’s public hours are Tuesday–Saturday, 12–5pm.

For more information on our event programs, contact or follow us on our website and social media.

Shape of a Pocket is curated by Squeaky Wheel curator Ekrem Serdar, in collaboration with jury members Amber Dennis (curator, The Schoolyard), John Massier (curator, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center), and Caitlin Margaret Coder.

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