The Wake
Friday 4th Mar, 2016

Time: 7:00 - 10:30pm
Cost: $55/advance l $50 ICTC Subscribers l $60/door
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The Party To Die For Lives On! Enjoy an evening of feigned grief and genuine merriment in memory of a late and lamented fictitious character, whose demise is yet to be announced at the Irish Classical Theatre's The Wake 2016 at D'Arcy McGee's Irish Pub.
Lively music of a Celtic nature will be presented in a manner conducive to terpsichorean revelry. Fine victuals, ales, porters, lagers and wines will be laid in store for the enjoyment of discerning ladies and gentlemen. Mix and mingle with the dearly departed's “loved ones” and learn about the life and time...s of our character. High-spirited dancing and carrying-on will not only be allowed but actively encouraged.
Come thirsty! Your ticket to The Wake includes all the complimentary beer (from Guinness, of course!) and wine that you like all night long, not to mention plenty of fabulous food and continuous entertainment.
Tickets required. Tears optional.
Lively music of a Celtic nature will be presented in a manner conducive to terpsichorean revelry. Fine victuals, ales, porters, lagers and wines will be laid in store for the enjoyment of discerning ladies and gentlemen. Mix and mingle with the dearly departed's “loved ones” and learn about the life and time...s of our character. High-spirited dancing and carrying-on will not only be allowed but actively encouraged.
Come thirsty! Your ticket to The Wake includes all the complimentary beer (from Guinness, of course!) and wine that you like all night long, not to mention plenty of fabulous food and continuous entertainment.
Tickets required. Tears optional.
Advance tickets are $55 general admission/$50 for ICTC Subscribers; $60 at the door.
Your ticket includes admission, free wine and beer, food, fantastic entertainment, surprises at every turn and all the fun you can handle. Group rates are available for parties of 10 or more.
To find our more about The Wake 2016, or to purchase tickets
By phone at 853-ICTC (4282)
In person at the ICTC Box Office, 625 Main Street, Buffalo.
Online at
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