You've Gotta Have Art Festival Benefits the Family Justice Center
Friday 3rd Mar, 2017 → Saturday 4th Mar, 2017

Paintings, jewelry, pottery, glass, photography, textile art, wood furniture and carvings will be for sale by the artists. In addition, a raffle of artwork donated by participating artists wil be held, concluding on Saturday. A free children's art project is offered on Saturday, and a delicious breakfast and lunch will be available at the Crafty Cafe.
The You've Gotta Have Art Festival is held every March. The seventh annual 2017 Festival will be held Friday, March 3, from 6:00-9:00pm, and Saturday, March 4, from 10:00am-4:00pm. This is a juried show and sale featuring 50 artists, including many Roycroft Artisans. All proceeds from artist entry donations, admission donations, food sales and the special raffle will benefit the Family Justice Center's Northtown location, which provides services for victims of domestic violence.
The $5 preview admission on Friday includes light refreshments as well as admission on Saturday. Saturday admission is $2. Free admission for children under 12 both days. Bring your family and friends to this artistic celebration that benefits a worthy cause.
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