Allstate’s Reality Rides® Simulator Stops In Buffalo to Help Student Motorists Stay Safe
Wednesday 30th Aug, 2017

Allstate’s state of the art Reality Rides® simulator is rolling into Buffalo to drive home the importance of safe driving in the area as roadway traffic intensifies with the Labor Day holiday and stressful back-to-school season upon us.
According to the newly released Allstate America’s Best Drivers Report®, Buffalo landed at No. 127 out of 200 ranked safest driving cities in the country when factoring population density in with collision frequency. Neighboring city, Rochester, ranked 90th.
Allstate’s 50-city Reality Rides simulator tour will make a stop at the University at Buffalo as it makes its way across the U.S. and Canada to put the brakes on distracted driving and stress the importance of practicing safe driving habits. The simulator will put Buffalo residents and university students in the hot seat with a driver’s test they’ll never forget. The simulator combines VR technology with a real vehicle to demonstrate life-threatening situations caused by texting while driving and other dangerous driving distractions.
Allstate’s safe driving efforts, including the annual Best Drivers Report and 50-city Reality Rides simulator tour, are geared to remind motorists to exercise caution behind the wheel.
The message is incredibly important, as safety experts estimate more than 40,000 people died in car crashes in the U.S. in 2016, which would make it the deadliest year on America’s roads since 2007. Also, August is the deadliest month on the road for U.S. drivers, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).
In-studio opportunities with the simulator available on August 29
INTERVIEW: Participants trying out the Reality Rides simulator
Allstate agency owners to help spread safe driving messaging
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