Benefit for Baby Rocky IV
Sunday 7th Jun, 2015

The Forvm
4224 Maple Road Buffalo, NY 14226
Time: 2pm
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Benefit for Baby Rocky IV

Sunday, June 7th
$25.00 donation appreciated
All Ages Welcome
Doors open at 2:00pm

For tickets call: (716) 831-3271
Or order online at:

at: The Forvm
Maple Ridge Plaza
4224 Maple Rd. @ Sweet Home
Buffalo, NY 14226


~Lots of Beautiful Baskets, Raffles, Food, Pop & Cash Bar
~LIVE Entertainment by Holkampany & special guests

~Please send donations to: Heather Lynch 168 Sunrise Blvd. Wmsvl, NY 14221 716-860-2365
~For Tickets call: Kissy Maulucci-Ricigliano 716-864-3975 or Nadine Tomasulo 716-675-3330

We will gladly pick up any donations or baskets just give us a call


At 7 weeks old I received lifesaving Heart Bypass surgery LIMA (Left Internal Mammary Artery) to LAD (Left Anterior Descending Artery) at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester New York. After 5½ hours of surgery, I was breathing on my own but have a long recovery ahead. There will be many ups and downs during my recovery but I know that I have to keep fighting. The doctors also noticed a cataract in my left eye but after a closer look they found I have an underdeveloped and detached retina, so they will take care of that next. I also have a feeding tube because I cannot swallow properly, they call it silent aspiration. But I keep on fighting …
Family and friends are having a benefit for me to help offset hospital and medical expenses incurred during my 8 week stay and many procedures in the PICU at Strong Memorial.

We could really use your help and support by attending and donating a basket, gift card, service, or food/drink item, it would be much appreciated. I hope to see you there. ~ Rocky IV

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