Wednesday 3rd Jun, 2015

Time: 8pm
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Do you love showtunes? Are you a Grammy-level shower-singer? Have you entertained the masses at a stop sign with your in-car full-voice, full-choreography rendition of I Will Survive? Then, you’re perfect for the Big Gay Sing!
At the Big Gay Sing, you will not be shushed. You will not have to endure eye rolls or head shakes. No, this is your night. We, and the Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus, want you to be as loud as you are proud, and belt out your favorite hits at this sing-at-top-of-your-lungs sing-along event. Hosted by and featuring local celebrities (name drop: host Jimmy Janowski), this multimedia event is all about YOU.
The Big Gay Sing was first performed in NYC and has been in many cities throughout the world. 2015 will marks the event's first appearance in Buffalo. .