Buffalo Home Show
Friday 11th Mar, 2016 → Sunday 13th Mar, 2016

Buffalo Niagara Convention Center
153 Franklin Street Buffalo, NY 14202, NY
Time: Fridays & Satrudays 10:00am-9:00pm/Sundays 10:00am-6:00pm
Cost: $11/Adult door l $8/ adult online - Free/ 5&Under - Online discounts
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Everyone enjoys sharing our love of all things home and garden! Discover the latest in home and garden, meet and learn from celebrity designers, shop, compare and save with our trusted exhibitors.

Opening weekend, let Emmy® Award-winning host George Oliphant  and host of LXTV’s "George To The Rescue" come to YOUR rescue – inspiring you with tips on how to demolish your renovation nightmares on March 4, 5 & 6.

Don’t miss Matt Blashaw of DIY Network’s "Yard Crashers" and HGTV’s "Vacation House for Free"
on the Main Stage and learn how to make your garden grow and the entire block green with envy in no time on March 11, 12, & 13.

For some local expertise, catch Jackie Albarella on Saturday, March 5th. Albarella is a lifelong gardener, and her current book, “Dirty Tricks in the Garden” shares her years of gardening tips in an easy to understand, down to earth style.  

Adult tickets at the door are $11. However, they can be purchased online for just $8.00 each

Children (ages 6-12) are $3.00 online.

FREE admission for children ages 5 and under.

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