Family Wellness Fair & Walk
Saturday 26th Aug, 2017
This free wellness event will include a “playout” with Exercise like the Animals at 9:15am, a guided family wellness walk in the park from 10:00-10:45am led by Wellness Institute Executive Director Phil Haberstro and REFRESH Magazine editor Scott Scanlon, and then a fun physical activity session with Shannon’s Fitness at 11:00am. Community health resources, interactive activities and healthy refreshments will be available.
REFRESH Magazine, the non-profit, Wellness Institute of Greater Buffalo and their community partners will host this informative, fun, family-friendly wellness event from 9:00am-Noon.We welcome you, your friends and family to come join us for some fun and fitness on Saturday, August 26 at Shelter #14 in Ellicott Creek Park, in the town of Tonawanda.
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