Gold Star Family Honor & Remembrance Ceremony Dinner
Sunday 25th Sep, 2016

UB Center for the Arts
103 Center For The Arts Buffalo, NY 14260
Time: Doors open 6:30PM
Cost: $20 p/veteran or $35 p/veteran and family, $65 p/civilian or $100 p/civilian couple, Sponsor a table for a Gold star family - $1000
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Share an evening with Gold Star Families to honor the legacy of our local "Fallen Heroes." Gold Star Family Honor and Remembrance Dinner and Ceremony will be an evening so we can get to know them and their family to cultivate this gratitude for their sacrifice. Showing "Devotion to those who gave their last full measure and the families that love them," will be a night shared by the entire community. Dinner immediately followed by a video presentation and narrative celebrating the lives of our local fallen. CHILDREN WELCOME! 

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UB Center for the Arts

March, 28 → March, 30
MFA Dance Thesis Concert
April, 4 → April, 5
"The Pajama Game"
April, 25 → May, 4
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