Kenan Motor Exhibition: Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show
Sunday 13th Aug, 2017

Time: 2:00 - 5:00pm
Cost: $10
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Car, truck and motorcycle show with Chiavetta’s BBQ, music, vendors, basket raffle & 50/50 split. The event also includes music, basket raffle, 50/50 split, and vendor market including Reid’s Food Truck, Krazy Kones, Kenan Arts Council’s Lemonade Stand, the Pearl and Stone, Stella and Dot, Mary Kay, Erin Gugluzzia Massage and Mindful Health, 31 Gifts, and more. The American Red Cross will also hold a blood drive from 10:00am-2:00pm. WITH EVERY TICKET PURCHASED FOR CHIAVETTA’S DINNER, YOU’LL BE ENTERED TO WIN BOX SEATS TO A BUFFALO BILLS GAME!

Goodie bags to the first 100 registrants. Trophies to be awarded. A variety of sponsorship levels are available with special benefits. 

Be sure to see the Erie Canal: Spirit of Structure Exhibit which opens the same day at the Kenan Center!

Tickets are now available at the Kenan Center Business office for $10. 

Vehicle owners: $10 at the gate. Download flyer with details, or contact Heather Lindquist at 433-2617.

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