Opłatek, Dinner and Kolędy
Sunday 15th Jan, 2017

Corpus Christi Church in Buffalo invites the entire community to share Opłatek, enjoy a homemade Polish dinner and the singing of Kolędy on Sunday, January 15 beginning with the 11:00am Mass. The Mass will be in English and Polish. Special guests, the Ludowa Nuta Carolers from Hamilton, Ont., will sing during the Mass, and during the dinner. Song sheets will be provided for a kolędy sing-along.
A homemade Polish holiday-time dinner is included in the admission price of $20 with RSVP/$25 at the door. Children under 12, free. To RSVP, please respond by clicking YES in the invitation and indicating how many in your party, or by calling 716-510-7562, or 892-5975. Please send payment to: Corpus Christi Church, 199 Clark St., Buffalo, N.Y. 14212.
If you are not able to attend, but would like to help maintain our historic church, please send your donation to the address above or donate securely online via PayPal on our website at http://corpuschristibuffalo.org/site/?page_id=16.
Corpus Christi Church is located at 199 Clark St. between Broadway and Paderewski Dr. in Buffalo. The event will take place at the Sears St. Hall behind the church. Parking available in the church lot between the church and the hall.
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