Preferred Werk Pop Up Shop at Trend Up
Friday 25th Mar, 2016

Trend Up
617 Main St. Buffalo, NY
Time: 5:00 - 8:00pm
Cost: FREE
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Welcome to the first ever Pop Up Shop event at Trend Up featuring a local designer. Our premier will be PREFERRED WERK. This line carries dope hoodies, t-shirts, snapbacks, sweatshirts and beanies.

Here's your chance to meet the designer from Preferred Werk himself, Zach Banks as he'll introduce to you his high quality clothing inspired by street cluture to Trend Up from 5pm-8pm inside the store.

Bring your friends and make a night out of it. We have EXPO connected next door for drinks and food (you can bring it over).

Check out Preferred Werk online at:

(If you'd like to be featured one Friday in our store, feel free to stop in, call or send us a message.)

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