Private Equity at Work: When Wall Street Manages Main Street
Thursday 4th Jun, 2015

A book talk and panel discussion featuring Rosemary Batt, Professor, Cornell University ILR School, with panelists Sam Capitano (Laborers Local 210), Kevin Connor (Public Accountability Initiative), and (invited) Jennifer Parker (Black Capital Network)
June 4, 2015
7:00 PM
Theodore Roosevelt Historical Site
641 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo NY
Since 2000, nearly 11,500 companies—representing almost 8 million employees—have been purchased by private equity firms. As their role in the economy has increased, they have come under fire from labor unions and community advocates who argue that the proliferation of leveraged buyouts destroys jobs, causes wages to stagnate, saddles otherwise healthy companies with debt, and leads to subsidies from taxpayers. Economist Eileen Appelbaum and Professor Rosemary Batt carefully evaluate the evidence—including original case studies and interviews, legal documents, bankruptcy proceedings, media coverage, and existing academic scholarship—to demonstrate the effects of private equity on American businesses and workers.
“In this brilliant new book, Eileen Appelbaum and Rosemary Batt pull back the curtain on the shadowy world of private equity and its role in the management and mismanagement of our economy.” Gerald Epstein, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts
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