Ride, Roar & Rally Motorcycle Run and Family Barbeque
Saturday 21st Jul, 2018

The Ride, Roar and Rally to Stop Child Abuse is a family-friendly motorcycle run and family barbecue in Cazenovia Park that will be open to the public. It features a chicken barbecue from BW Smokin’ Barrels Barbecue, children’s crafts and games, bounce houses, music by DJ Kameleon, basket raffle, and law enforcement/first responder displays. NEW this year is the Kid’s Stroll (bikes, wagons, strollers etc.) in Cazenovia Park at 11 am. Registration is $10 and includes a hot dog or hamburger meal.
The Motorcycle Run sponsored by Native Pride Travel Plaza starts at BW Smokin’ Barrels Barbecue at Abbott and Lake then travels to Irving and finally ends at the Family Barbecue at the Cazenovia Park Casino in Buffalo. Registration begins at 9 am and kickstands are up at 10 am. The cost for drivers is $20 with riders are $10 and includes a chicken dinner and drink ticket for the After Party starting at 2 pm at the Buffalo Irish Center, 245 Abbott Rd.
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