Rusty Nickel Brewing Grand Opening Party
Saturday 30th May, 2015

The GRAND OPENING is Saturday 5/30/2015 from 12pm to 9pm. Come celebrate our grand opening, and experience the concept that started over 3 years ago with the mutual goal of making great tasting hand crafted brews. We will proudly be serving a large line up of the most unique and flavorful beers WNY has to offer!
The VIP Party starts at 11:00am for VIP ticket holders. VIP tickets include your first beer is free and all beers after are buy one get one free, your own RNBC Grand Opening pint glass to drink from and take home as a keep sake, your own server so you don’t have to wait in line, a beer and cheese pairing with Dave walking you through the pairing, your own tent space to lounge on the patio, a set of basket raffle tickets (basket raffle reserved for VIP), a personal tour of the brewery with brewer Dave, your own fire pit, an hour early entry, tickets to the gift basket raffle (exclusive to the VIP) and more surprises to be announced that day! **link to tickets below
The public is invited at Noon. Bands and Musicians who will be featured include Wacko Fest , The Plagiarists,Imperial Brown, and Randle and the Late Night Scandals.
We carefully crafted our brewery’s image to one of industrial rustic decor with attention to detail in every corner. We hope you can join us, our brewery, tasting room, huge biergarten and of course our great beer.
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