Seeing Clearly Now: Creative Technology for the Blind in Saudi Arabia
Saturday 8th Jul, 2017

Join the Middle East Institute and the Museum of disABILITY History for an afternoon with visiting Saudi disability rights activist, Mohammed Saad.
In recent years, new adaptive technologies have been developed to allow the blind to fully utilize smart phones, tablets, and computers. But for Mohammed Saad, there was a problem with these new programs. None of the apps designed to assist the blind were available in his native language of Arabic. Saad, who has been blind since early childhood, set out to change this. With no formal background in technology, he redesigned some of the most popular apps to work in Arabic, developed Arabic courses to teach the blind how to use Apple technology and founded MANHAL, an Arabic-language app that offers a wide range of educational courses targeted for the blind. Saad is coming to Pittsburgh to share his story of how he has creatively transformed the available technology to design practical solutions for himself and others in his community.
The main event will be held from 2:00pm to 3:00pm, followed by a reception with refreshments.
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