Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday 2nd Mar, 2019

Time: 3:30 - 6:30pm
Cost: $8 presale | $10 at the door
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The Boston Lions Club will host a Spaghetti Dinner and Basket Auction from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 2, at the Patchin Fire Company, 8333 Boston State Road, Boston. Proceeds will benefit Lions Club activities and the organization’s loan closet.

Dinner tickets are just $10 at the door and $8 pre-sale. Pre-sale tickets can be purchased at Three Girls Café and Herb’s Barber Shop in Boston, or by contacting Al Carpenter at 648-5908 or Debbie Wrazen at 435-0841. Dinner will include spaghetti and meatballs, salad, dessert and beverage. A basket auction will also take place during the dinner.

The Boston Lions Club supports Boston residents through a loan closet (medical equipment, walkers, canes, wheelchairs, hospital beds, etc.), annual student scholarships and helping those in need of assistance in the community. New members are always welcome.

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