Syrian Refugees: Buffalo Responds
Thursday 31st Mar, 2016

Buffalo and Erie County Public Library
1 Lafayette Square Buffalo, NY 14203
Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm
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This event will provide background on the refugee crisis and a comprehensive look at the challenges refugees face upon arrival in Buffalo. The keynote, “Mental Health Issues of Syrians Affected by Armed Conflict,” will be given by Hussam Jefee-Bahloul, M.D. A professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, Dr. Jefee-Bahloul, a psychiatrist, co-authored the 2015 report for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: “Culture, Context, and the Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Syrians.”   We will also have a Skype presentation from Sarita Fritzler of Save the Children, who worked on the front lines of the crisis in Europe (Germany and Switzerland) and also was deployed to Iraq in the past. 

Speakers will cover topics including human rights, the impact of mass migration on Europe, and the effects of armed conflict on mental health. A panel discussion with local providers will address refugee resettlement issues:  housing, health and mental health care, educational and legal needs of refugees. A discussion on community building will complete the day’s program. These events are co-sponsored by UB’s Asian Studies Program.  Panelists: Denise Beehag, International Institute of Buffalo Kim Griswold, M.D. of UB Family Medicine Ali Kadhum, MSW of the Iraqi American Society Pam Kefi, founder of the WNY Center for Survivors of Torture Deborah Reed-Danahay, Ph.D., from the UB Department of Anthropology Othman Shibly, D.D.S., UB School of Dentistry For additional information, please contact Patricia Shelly at 645-1262 or email at

Please RSVP by March 23rd so that we have an accurate count for lunch. 

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