The Epic VegFest WNY Beach Party
Sunday 19th Jul, 2015

Woodlawn Beach State Park
3580 Lakeshore Rd Blasdell, NY 14219
Time: 5:00pm-10:00pm
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Have some fun on the beach at the biggest plant-based party of the summer with sand, waves and so much more! The vegan Mexican buffet at Woodlawn Beach includes 1 drink at the Tiki Bar, free parking, and the beach. Enjoy: live DJ spinning, a drum circle, Pyromancy Fire dancers & Hula dance by Foxy Diamondz, Sunset Bikini dance by Free Soul Dance, a full vegan Mexican food buffet with dessert, summer's biggest squirt gun war, best beach costume contest with prizes, best sand castle contest, volleyball & limbo, a pinata, flying candle lantern release at night.
Bring your hoops and beach stuff, and dress for the prize!

Adults $19.00 online pre-sale, $24.00 day of
Children 5-12 are $10.00
Children 4 and under are Free!
Please print your receipt from your online ticket purchase and bring it with you
Online tickets sales end July 18th at midnight!

All proceeds go to keep the WNY vegFest Free for all!
A fundraiser for the WNY VegFest!

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