The Kelly Tough 12K and 1.2K Fun Run/Walk
Saturday 14th May, 2016
New Era Field
1 Bills Drive Orchard Park, NY 14127Runners and walkers - join Jim Kelly and Hunter’s Hope for the second annual The Kelly Tough. The 12K Run and 1.2K Fun Run/Walk will begin at 9:00am on Jim Kelly Boulevard, near Ralph Wilson Stadium in Orchard Park. The run and walk are immediately followed by a post-race celebration with food, family-friendly entertainment, and an awards ceremony.
Our children and families are counting on you to help however you can. We need runners, walkers, volunteers, donors, and sponsors to help us spread the word and raise these much needed funds for Leukodystrophy research, advocacy, and family care.
Please visit our website at to learn more, and "help to make a difference today for someone who is fighting for their tomorrow.” ~Jim Kelly
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