The Missing Piece Brewfest - an autism awareness benefit
Saturday 21st Jul, 2018

Buffalo Autism Project is excited to announce we are partnering with the awesome people at Hamburg Brewing Company to throw The Missing Piece- an outdoor tented event! Rain or shine come for great beers, live music, lawn games, food trucks, and raffles.
In our efforts to raise money to provide our community with FREE family events who have children or teens diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and raise awareness we will be hosting another GREAT party!
Tickets will be $30 (pre-sale); $40 (day of). Your money will get you FOUR of Hamburg Brewing Company's finest and most popular beers. Additional drink tickets will be sold day of. We encourage ride sharing, UBER, Limos, or School Buses! Check back for a link to buy your pre-sale tickets.
We are hoping to create Western New York's BIGGEST Autism Awareness Party, don't forget to wear your blue! Buffalo Autism Project T-shirts will be available for purchase.
More Information Facebook Event Find Prepaid Parking