Town of Tonawanda Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday 19th Mar, 2016

Town of Tonawanda Youth, Parks & Recreation and Rotary Club of Kenmore are putting on their 33rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 19. The event, which attracts about 400-500 children, will be held inside Lincoln Arena, located at 1200 Parker Boulevard. Activities will include an egg hunt with a 5 egg limit per child, face painting, balloon animals, coloring, and a chance to see the Easter bunny. Non-perishable food items will be collected on-site to benefit our local food pantry. Ken-Ton Kiwanis will be present selling hot dogs, pop, and giant coloring books. Rotary Club of Kenmore will be collecting donations and painting fingers for the Purple Pinkie Project to help eradicate Polio.
This event is free to attend and no registration is necessary. To keep things fair, the egg hunts will be staggered by age, starting promptly at the times listed: 10:30am for children with special needs, 11:00am for ages 2-3, 11:30am for ages 4-6, and 12:00pm for ages 7-10.