Women’s History Month Kickoff
Thursday 3rd Mar, 2016

Central Library
1 Lafayette Square Buffalo, NY 14203Get Women’s History Month off to a grand start on at the annual Kickoff Celebration on Thursday, March 3. It's free and the public is urged to attend. Two dozen non-profit organizations providing activities and services for women and girls will offer displays and handouts from 10:00am-1:00pm.
At Noon, the Honorable Barbara A. Howe, Erie County Surrogate Judge, will offer the Keynote Address on "Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring Lives in Public Service and Government," the theme of National Women’s History Month this year.
Student performers from the Buffalo Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, remarks by local dignitaries, and the presentation of two “Woman of Courage, Character and Commitment” Awards will also be included.
The annual calendar of Women’s History Month events and activities taking place in Erie County during March 2016 will also be introduced. The calendar will be available in all 37 branch libraries, through partner organizations, at www.BuffaloLib.org and at www.Erie.gov.
The annual celebration of Women’s History Month in Buffalo & Erie County is coordinated through the partnership of the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, Erie County Commission on the Status of Women, WNY Women’s Foundation, WomenEventsBuffalo, Women’s Business Center at Canisius College, Junior League of Buffalo, Planned Parenthood of Central & Western NY, League of Women Voters, University of Buffalo Gender Institute, Women on the Rise, and AAUW-Buffalo Branch.
For further information, visit www.BuffaloLib.org or call 716-858-8900.
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