AngelMaker/ Falsifier/ Extortionist/ Filth/ Sleepers/ Lowlife
Sunday 12th Mar, 2017

Mohawk Place
47 E Mohawk St Buffalo, NY 14203FTMP Events Presents:
AngelMaker, Falsifier, Extortionist, Filth, Sleepers, & L O W L I F E
Sunday, March 12th
$15.00 pre-sale, $20.00 day of show
16+ (ID Required) - No ID/No Entry
Doors open at 6:00pm
at: Mohawk Place
47 E Mohawk St
Buffalo, NY 14203
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FTMP Events (Buffalo, NY Concerts)
AngelMaker (Features members of Threat Signal) :
"This North Vancouver 6-piece has managed to create one of the heavier and most fearsome Deathcore records we've heard in some time. In some ways, it breathes new life into the genre with some truly excellent moments and genre bending.
It's easy to recommend this album to all fans of the Deathcore genre and even just extreme music in general."
- The Circle Pit
Falsifier (Artery Recordings Artist) :
It is a bitter, bleak darkness, slithering its way into your ears, winding its way into your head and infecting your mind—spreading disease, distrust and destruction with every syllable spoken. Described as dissonant, dismal and dome-splittingly heavy, it is the music of Falsifier—lords of lurid aggression hailing from London, Ontario. Far from a lie, Falsifier are the whirlwind of misanthropic, mutilating honest anger that down-tempo deathcore has been lacking, blending low, slow instrumental elements with catchy riffs and throat-shredding vocals, these Canadian crushers bring honest energy to a dull, stagnant and repetitive scene in dire need of a renovation.
Extortionist :
"Extortionist is the culmination of the past few years of deathcore shift. Beatdown is revitalizing the genre, and Extortionist is quick to capitalize on the trend. Low, slow, slightly etherial, and unapologetic, Extortionist makes a statement: not every band has to be some pillar of complexity, touting break-neck riffs and lyrics about quantum physics. Sometimes it’s fun to just get lost in a sea of breakdowns—and boy do they have breakdowns."
- Total Deathcore
Filth (Features members of InVoker and ex King Conquer) :
It isn't very often in today's heavy music scene that the listener can dive right into a band knowing exactly what they're in for. With names that are designed to grab the listener's interest--but often music that fails to do the same--checking out new bands is a gamble, or, was a gamble. With North Carolina's latest addition to the downtempo deathcore scene, Filth give the listener a picture-perfect premonition of their sound before they can even press play. Murkier than a tar pit and harsher than a jackhammer burying into the listener's ears, this sinister Shelby quartet are here for one thing, and one thing only: to inflict the most damage to the listener in the shortest amount of time possible, and they do it with unbelievable efficacy.
Sleepers :
& L O W L I F E :