Artpark Percussion Garden- Null Point's Sound Garden
Sunday 15th Jul, 2018 → Sunday 26th Aug, 2018

450 South 4th St. Lewiston, NY 14092
Time: 1pm-3pm
Cost: Free
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Sunday, Jul 15th
Sunday, Jul 22nd
Sunday, Jul 29th
Sunday, Aug 12th
Sunday, Aug 26th




This free program cultivates community through collective soundmaking and listening, featuring workshops, performances, installations, soundwalks, and open rehearsals.

Over the course of five Sunday afternoons, the programs explore a variety of ways to grow sonic languages organically out of Artpark’s existing soundscape and landscape. Each week’s program will consist of two parts: a laboratory where the public can observe Null Point’s artists at work in rehearsal and installation, and a workshop aimed at introducing the general public to place-based soundmaking and listening.


The program features four new works by Null Point’s own composer-performers, commissioned by Artpark specifically for the occasion; scores and documentation of these pieces will be published in a future.

These works explore ways of building musical languages from the ground up in dialogue with Artpark’s soundscape and landscape. As such they are both cutting edge and accessible—they reimagine what music is, but do so through interchange with the familiar everyday sounds and materials of Artpark, and through interactive and participatory strategies. Music is remade into something radically new, and yet at the same time opens itself to concrete input from the everyday events of a place. Building on the site-specific sculpture residency program of Artpark’s early days, this program situates art as a way to heighten collective connections to a place. These works foster intensely interdisciplinary intersections between music (experimental, rock, classical, electronic), sound art, meditation, sculpture in the expanded field, social practice art, critical pedagogy, and creative placemaking.


July 15 - Creative Soundmaking with Found Environmental Materials

The program will include new work by Arrow Fitzgibbon for amplified ground and environmental sound. Performed by Null Point artists.

July 22 - Soundscape meets Landscape

Presented by Lena Nietfeld for soundmakers of any background imitating ambient sound with found environmental materials and bodies

July 29 - Listening to the Everyday/Tribute to upstate NY’s own Late Great Pauline Oliveros

The afternoon will include a soundwalk exploring Artpark’s soundscape; "Deep Listening Pieces" by Pauline Oliveros. Performed by Null Point artists.


August 12 - Creative Soundmaking with Microphones and Ambient Sound

New work by Ethan Hayden for microphones, laptop, and speakers. Performed by Null Point artists.


August 26 - Program Culmination

1PM – 3PM:  Creative Soundmaking with Found Environmental Materials and Instruments.

Featuring new work by Colin Tucker for untrained and trained soundmakers with electric guitar, found environmental materials, and speakers. 

4PM: [part of Music in the Woods}: Re-creation of PLACE

PLACE part 10, a piece by David Dunn for instruments and found environmental materials.  The program will also include a talk celebrating the release of Null Point’s guest edited issue of Sound American on the music of David Dunn. Performed by Null Point artists.

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