Harbour & I Fight Fail
Sunday 7th Jun, 2015

The Forvm
4224 Maple Road Buffalo, NY 14226For The Music Productions Presents:
Harbour [For fans of shitty old school pop punk, beer, and hating on exes down from Toronto, Ontario]
I Fight Fail [An Alternative Electronic Rock musical evolution from Canton, Ohio]
The Search and Find [Buffalo's new veteran Progressive Pop-Rock Sweethearts]
The Gentleman's Quarrel [Dark, high energy indie rock from Buffalo, NY]
& The Noble Company [Buffalo, NY band dabbling in various types of rock-based music]
Sunday, June 7th
$5.00 pre-sale, $7.00 day of show
All Ages (under 18 should be accompanied by a guardian)
Doors open at 7:30pm
For tickets call: (716) 831-3271
Or order online at: http://mapleentertainment.com/show.cfm?id=202498
at: The Forvm
Maple Ridge Plaza
4224 Maple Rd @ Sweet Home
Buffalo, NY 14226