Mighty Wurlitzer Organ Concert - An Afternoon of Irish Song and Poetry
Sunday 12th Mar, 2017

Time: Doors open 1:00pm Concert 2pm
Cost: $15 for general admission $12 for Forest Lawn members
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Celebrate the wearing of the Forest Lawn green with organist Adria Ryan, who will be playing a snappy selection of Irish tunes on our newly restored Wurltizer organ. And to make it more fun, you will be able to sing along on some of the selections!
Accompanying Adria will be Chris Fire reciting original inspirational poetic readings from the writings of Irish poet, James Johnston and Scotsman David Gray, both who are buried at Forest Lawn.
This concert will be presented in the historic Forest Lawn chapel. Tickets are $15 for general admission and $12 for members of the Forest Lawn Heritage Foundation.
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Accompanying Adria will be Chris Fire reciting original inspirational poetic readings from the writings of Irish poet, James Johnston and Scotsman David Gray, both who are buried at Forest Lawn.
This concert will be presented in the historic Forest Lawn chapel. Tickets are $15 for general admission and $12 for members of the Forest Lawn Heritage Foundation.