Pocket Vinyl
Friday 10th Jul, 2015

Mohawk Place
47 E Mohawk St Buffalo, NY 14203For The Music Productions Presents:
The return of Pocket Vinyl!
w/ Child of Folly, tHe FEAST, Billy Draws Two, The Last Sentry, Yesterday Vs. Tomorrow, Erica Wolfling, & Renata Rowland
Here's the quick version: Eric plays the piano while Elizabeth paints on stage. The paintings are then sold at every concert to the highest bidder. They're married. They're from New London, CT. They've released 3 albums, the most recent of which was "Death Anxiety" in 2013. They invented the world's first "MP" (short for "mini play"). They're full time musicians working on a DIY level. They're trying very hard to be your favorite band.
Friday, July 10th
$5.00 presale, $7.00 day of show
Doors open at 8:00pm
Tickets on sale at: http://mapleentertainment.com/event.cfm?id=202499
at: Mohawk Place
47 E Mohawk St
Buffalo, NY 14203