Time And Distance, Breckenwood, Motion Theatre, Lights Out Paris, Avidd The Band, & 3 Hour Power Shower!
Sunday 12th Jul, 2015

Mohawk Place
47 E Mohawk St Buffalo, NY 14203
Time: 6pm
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For The Music Productions Presents:

TIME AND DISTANCEBreckenwoodMotion TheatreLights Out Paris,Avidd the Band, & 3 Hour Power Shower!
(It's FTMP's owner Greg Burt's 25th birthday! Let's party!)

Sunday, July 12th
$7.00 pre-sale, $10.00 day of show
All Ages (under 18 should be accompanied by a guardian)
Doors open at 6:00pm

Order tickets online at: http://mapleentertainment.com/event.cfm?id=208866

at: Mohawk Place 
47 E Mohawk St
Buffalo, NY


Time And Distance: https://www.facebook.com/timeanddistance/

Time and Distance are a Rock band from Charleston, West Virginia, started around 2002. To date, we've released two full length albums, two ep's, toured the country countless times with bands big and small, signed to a couple different record labels, put like 200,000 miles on our van, and made a lot of friends. we also really like mexican food. 

Breckenwood: http://www.breckenwoodmusic.com/

*One time only reunion with Garret Shea for Greg's Birthday! Seriously!*
Breckenwood was formed in March of 2011 consisting of Garrett Shea, Will Folckemer and Cam Kukla. Since then, they joined up with Stephen Adolf & Anthony Knox as the band has now performed all over the North Eastern region of the US infecting our generation with their fun Pop Rock style and beautiful faces!

Motion Theatre: https://www.facebook.com/motiontheatre 

Hailing from the mountains of Southern West Virginia, Motion Theatre stands out as a group of 5 individuals who have a lot to say about the grandeur that exists inside themselves and around them. With their upbeat guitar melodies intertwined with nostalgia-driven ambiance, they attempt to provide musically what they themselves are searching for… authenticity. 

Lights Out Paris: https://www.facebook.com/lightsoutparisofficial

"We're 5 kids that never practice and live in different states. We call ourselves a band. Check us out. Featuring members of The Bunny The Bear, Sea Of Treachery, Dividing The Skyline"

Avidd The Band: https://www.facebook.com/AviddTheBand 

Pop/punk from Buffalo, NY. The new and improved band, Avidd, is more serious than ever! 

3 Hour Power Shower: https://www.facebook.com/3HourPowerShower 

"We make indie-post-punk music. Love to shred, shred to love. The best sliced bread since sliced bread."

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