Scottish Festival Pre Party
Friday 18th Aug, 2017

New York Beer Project
6933 S Transit Rd Lockport, NY 14094
Time: 7:00pm
Cost: free
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Ah… T'was indeed the party everyone still talks aboot ….The Scottish Festival Pre Game Party at NYBP. There were bagpipes all over the house, kilts, Scottish drinking songs, more kilts, Scottish beer releases, wool socks in the summer, fiddles, Scottish tales, yet more kilts…but the best part… it’s about to happen again. This year's festivities begin at 7:00pm August 18th with Scottish music and drinking songs performed by Tom Keefer and his band Celtic Cross out in the Beirgarten beginning at 7:00pm. The Buffalo Bagpipe Band Club will take a few ceremonial parades throughout the entire brewery before performing in the Beirgarten and Stone’s Throw, our Special Edition Release of a Scottish Wee Heavy Ale will be pouring all evening. Kilts are optional, but if you don’t have one, you have to explain to a very large Scottish man why you aren’t wearing one at this one-of-a-kind celebration where Scotland comes to The Beer Project. Lang may yer rum leek! Cheers! 

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