Thursday 24th Mar, 2016 → Saturday 26th Mar, 2016

Buffalo Niagara Convention Center
153 Franklin Street Buffalo, NY 14202, NYEVENT DATES
The largest indoor custom car and bike show on this side of New York, the 2016 Buffalo Motorama has something for the whole family. The show features a wide variety of vehicles ranging from original, modified, race, and full custom. to Hot rods, classics, pro street, and unrestored. Showcased at the Buffalo Convention Center in the heart of the revitalized Buffalo, New York. Affordable admission as well as contests and events for everyone.
Thursday March 24 2:00-9:00pm
Friday March 25 10:00am-10:00pm
Saturday March 26 10:00am-8:00pm
Discounted tickets available online at:
And at area locations listed here:
More details at