Pro Wrestling (OSPW Defining Leverage 6)
Saturday 11th Jul, 2015

Time: Doors open at 6 and 1st bell is 6:30
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OSPW'S last stop before Wrestlefest 13! Don't miss any of the action that will unfold leading up to the next event. OSPW`s Sat. July 11th Defining Leverage 6 Partial Card Announcement! YOU wil see, a Six Man Scramble Match between - Da Latin Soldier- Tommy Mandrake- Anarchy- Venomous- Lucain Caiker and David Evans with BOTH the OSPW JR TV & TV Titles on the line! Tyger Smith is set to defend his OSPW NY Title! Sons of Fortune-( West & Everynite ) take on 25 to Life ( Elmo & JD ) with The OSPW Tag Titles at stake!
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