Queen City Roller Girls: Devil Dollies vs Suicidal Saucies
Sunday 12th Mar, 2017

Buffalo Riverworks
359 Ganson Street Buffalo, NY 14222What better way to spend your Sunday Funday than watching derby? Join the Queen City Roller Girls as the Devil Dollies take on the Suicidal Saucies in their second matchup of the year at 3PM on Sunday, March 12 at Buffalo Riverworks. Both teams bring loads of raw talent to the track and will stop at nothing to secure a victory to take one step closer to the coveted QCRG Champion title.
In their first matchup of the season, the Saucies outplayed the Dollies to secure a 183-114 win. This re-match will determine who goes into their 4th (and final) game of the season ranking second in the 2017 home-team bracket. These girls are dolled up and ready to take on the other with a little bit of spice and a whole lot of sauce. This is one game you don’t want to miss.
Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance at http://www.qcrg.net/event/PR/dollies-vs-saucies/. $15 will get you in the door and $20 will get you prime-time seating. So grab your family and friends and head out to Buffalo Riverworks on March 12 to cheer on your Queen City Roller Girls in the 4th game of the 2017 home-team season.
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