Queen City Roller Girls Season Opener
Friday 20th Jan, 2017

Buffalo Riverworks
359 Ganson Street Buffalo, NY 14222New players, improved strategy, and plenty of hearty hits; that’s what you can expect to see at this year’s Queen City Roller Girls 11th season opener at 7:00pm on Friday, January 20 at Buffalo Riverworks. Battling it out for the first win of the year, the 2016 Queen City Cup Champions, the Devil Dollies, will go head to head against last year’s runner-up, the Alley Kats. Both teams lost players during the off season and picked up new and returning skaters in the draft and are determined to do what it takes to win the 2017 Queen City Cup.
Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance at www.qcrg.net/tickets. $15 will get you in the door and $20 will get you prime-time seating. So grab your family and friends and be sure to head out to Riverworks on January 20 to see what is sure to be a great season opener.
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