3rd Annual Western New York Summer Classic
Saturday 13th Jun, 2015

CrossFit 716
84 Sweeney St North Tonawanda, NY 14120
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The event will have 50 men and 50 women.  The ticket includes a tshirt and a guarantee of 3 wods.  There will be a 4th wod for those who make it to the final.

The minimum requirements for the first 3 workouts:  KB Swings/Snatches 55#/35#, Box Jumps 24"/20", Double Unders, Clean & Jerk 135#/95#, Wall Balls 20#/14# to 10 foot target, and Snatch 115#/80#.  These movements are guidelines.  You may or may not see these movements in the first 3 workouts!

Advanced gymnastics movements could be seen in the final wod.  Examples of advanced movements would be hspus, chest to bar pull ups, muscle ups, etc.



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