Wednesday 14th Jun, 2017 → Wednesday 21st Jun, 2017

Advanced Screen Print Wednesdays, June 14th & 21st • 6-9pm
In this workshop, students will build on the basics of screen-printing and explore more advanced techniques. This course is designed for people who have taken WNYBAC's Screenprint Basics class. We will review how to prepare screens, create designs, and register multi-colored prints using multiple types of registration methods. Participants can create two color cards, posters, t-shirts, etc.
Instructor: Alicia Paolucci
Pre-payment is required for all workshops at WNYBAC. You can pay online, by phone, or by mail. If you would like to send a check, please email to let us know. If you would like to pay over the phone, please call 716-348-1430. All workshops will take place at the WNY Book Arts Center and have no prerequisite knowledge required unless otherwise noted. A cancellation fee of $25 will be assessed if cancelled less than 1 week ahead of the workshop. Cancellations with less than 48 hours will not receive a refund. Sold out classes will accept a waiting list. By registering you agree to receive notifications from the WNY Book Arts Center. Workshops can cancel due to low enrollment, so please register early!
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